mangkok peluru bahasa Inggris
- mangkok: cup; drinking vessel; bowl; mug
- peluru: ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot;
- bunga mangkok: buttercup
- cakera-mangkok: cup wheel
- katup-mangkok: cup valve
- kue mangkok: cupcake
- mangkok bir: stein
- mangkok putar: roundabout (play)
- peluru: ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot; shot; slug; pistol and rifle cartridges; cannonball; cartridge; pellet; hummer; heater; fastball; unit of ammunition; musket ball; ammo; bird shot; roun
- dapur mangkok pelumer: crucible furnace
- mangkok tempat bubur sup: porringer; bowl
- mangkok untuk merebus telur: eggcup; egg-cup; egg server; egg cup
- piring mangkok dari perak: silver service
- sejenis bunga mangkok: buttercup; crowfoot
- anti peluru: bulletproof